Quality Control and Integrity
Viva Vitamins are proudly made in the United States and with the highest quality ingredients. Please take a moment to read the steps we take to ensure we’re making superior vitamins. And understand that these aren’t just words, they’re a way of life for us. It’s true Vitamin Quality Control. Also visit our About Page and meet our team for more information about our company.

We are concerned about quality, purity and potency. As a matter of fact that is our number one priority in developing products that carry our name. We only use the highest quality ingredients when formulating our products. We check, double check and triple check every product once it is manufactured and prior to bottling and placing our name on that label.
Did you know that there are five quality tiers of raw materials to select from when manufacturing nutritional supplements? We select the top quality ingredients to insure our customers will get the most benefits from any of the products in our vast product line. For example, the Ascorbic Acid we use when manufacturing our products actually comes from fruit, not the cheaper quality sources like genetically modified corn which is used in 70% of the products out there in the marketplace. That is why Viva Vitamins and Earth Wise Vitamins are the leaders in the nutritional supplement industry. Quality is never sacrificed when making our products.

GMP Compliant
The manufacturers we use quarantine raw materials that come into their facilities. The raw materials our manufacturers use to produce our products are the highest grade raw materials available. Our manufacturers check those raw materials to insure that they are actually the raw material they are supposed to be at the correct potency. Then the manufacturers will assay the products after they have been manufactured to assure that the finished good matches the product’s recipe exactly. We also visually inspect all products prior to bottling to insure that the tablet size and shape is correct.
The FDA has established guidelines and regulations for good manufacturing practices (GMP). Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are GMP compliant. This is why we go to great lengths in selecting our manufacturing facilities. In fact, the facilities we use take additional steps to exceed GMP regulations.

No GMO’s!
We all know that organic tomatoes and other organic produce vary in appearance from crop to crop. Some might be darker or lighter or have different markings.
Because we use NATURAL, NON – SYNTHETIC raw materials in our products, they will look different from batch to batch – just like organic fruits and vegetables do. Viva Vitamins are proudly made in the USA, contain No GMO’s and are manufactured in an NSF – GMP Certified Facility.